Meh, no, it really won't, so don't get too excited there. I had a tough time coming up with some guilty pleasures of mine. The problem with guilty pleasures, is that I don't really have any. I think Dave here said it pretty well. "If you like a fucking Ke$ha song, listen to a fucking Ke$ha", except I don't care for Kesha (do I really have to put that dollar sign in there?) I just kind of like what I like. Or so I thought. Of course, my favorite person in the world (I feel like I should insert "besides my kids" here), the person who knows more about me that she probably would like to is full of things that I love that I might call a guilty pleasure.
1) Facebook Stalking: Lets just let the crazy hang all out there right away. I have nothing to hide! I love Facebook stalking. And you're a dirty liar if you say you don't love it! Oh, remember that hot guy I sat next to in driver's ed? Yup, found him. Favorite former teacher? Bingo. And he shaved off his awesome mustache. That was disappointing. Also, why is my brother friends with him and didn't tell me?! Stemming off of that. My brother's new girlfriend. I've never met her. She's cute. Maybe she'll give me some freakin' nieces and nephews.

2) BSing with my BadAss Cousin. Yes, I talk about her all the time. All. The. Time. Is that weird? Seriously though, she moved to TX a few years ago and before that, we spend a ton of time texting or chatting or whatever, but we still saw each other at our family things. Now that she's moved to TX, she's left me to fend for myself at family gatherings. We pretty much only communicate through our phones. I think one day, we listed like 7 ways, but anyways... I realized that we don't know how to communicate in real life. Like, at family things, even though we're grown ass women, we still text each other across the room and smirk because we both know what we're really thinking about our crazy aunt/uncle/cousin.

We HAVE to text and exchange knowing looks at family functions. There really is no other option. This pie chart will explain why.
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Yep. I made a pie chart. |
3)While we're on the topic of BA Cousin, inappropriate topics and Facebook stalking, I feel as if I need to confess my newest guilty pleasure that she introduced me to. *hides head in shame* Tinder. If you've never heard of Tinder, well let me tell you about it. It's this app where you see other people near you. If you like them, swipe right, if you don't, then swipe left. If they liked you too, you can start to chat. It's that easy. Yeah, it's pretty much a hook up site. Yes, I'm married. No, I'm not looking for some side action. I really just enjoy the people watching. There are all kinds of people on there and I really just enjoy seeing what other people are about. Usually they're about posting pictures of their dead fish and telling women that they "enjoy having a good time, music, the outdoors and living life to the fullest".

4) How can you have a guilty pleasure discussion without the mention of food? Now, I like food. A lot. Too much. But, I had trouble thinking of something that I would love all day, every day, not matter what. Applebee's Cherry Limeade. They have just the right mix of cherry and lime, which, I hear is the makings for a good cherry limeade. Oh, it is so delicious. And if an Applebee's isn't convenient, Sonic is usually my back up plan for all things cherry and lime. Yeah, they're good, but not nearly as good as Applebees'.

5) Last, but not least, The Walking Dead. When *you know who* introduced me to TWD, I had a really tough time watching it. Every night, I had nightmares and every day, I couldn't wait until the kids would go to bed so I could watch more. It was so scary to watch alone, but I just couldn't stop watching.
But watching got me thinking: What if this really happened? So of course, BA Cousin and I have a plan in place. We know who is on our team and why, we know what supplies we'll need and we know where we're headed to hideout or fight during the zombie apocalypse. And, no. I can't tell you our plan. Lets just say it involves some hot guys (we will need to repopulate), some good shots (we need to kill things), some awesome cooks (we need to eat), a strategic shelter, some cute kids (cuz why not?) and me (who will be hiding in the closet cheering everyone else on in spirit.)

But watching got me thinking: What if this really happened? So of course, BA Cousin and I have a plan in place. We know who is on our team and why, we know what supplies we'll need and we know where we're headed to hideout or fight during the zombie apocalypse. And, no. I can't tell you our plan. Lets just say it involves some hot guys (we will need to repopulate), some good shots (we need to kill things), some awesome cooks (we need to eat), a strategic shelter, some cute kids (cuz why not?) and me (who will be hiding in the closet cheering everyone else on in spirit.)

I appreciate more than you'll ever know that you made a pie chart. At first I was like...damn that pie chart knows us...wait a minute...it knows us too well...
ReplyDeleteFacebook stalking NEVER GETS OLD!